AdelLilOzil Personal Fitness Program

                                               My Goals

Step One: Desire

I want improve my muscular strenght by May.

Step Two: Belief

I had the belief of accomplishing this desire because I take coach Bray class

Step Three: Analyize where you at now.

I can do 30 push-up and 35 set-ups.

Step Four: Set realistic goals

I wand to be able to do 40 pus-up and 45 set-ups.

Step Five: Write Your Goals In Detail.

I'm going to do 2 extra push-up evey time a do push-up, and I'm going to eat vegitables 3 times a week.

step Six: List the Benefits You Will Receive

I will be much stronger and I'll be able to lift heavy weights. I will lokk much fitter and better.

Step Seven: Identify Obstacles

I have several Obstacles that might get in my way. First obstacle is that i have a job, then other obstacle is that i dont have these equipment to exercise at home.

Step Eight: Identify Knowledge You Will Need

I need to know how much to lift each time and how many sets to do.

Step Nine: Make a Plan of Action

My plan is to start exercising by this weekend .

Step Ten: Develop A Timeline

My timeline is to begin April 3, 2011 and end by May 4,2011

Step Eleven: Monitor Your Progress

I will monitor my progress every 3 days to see if I'm making any progress and how can I improve.

Step Twelve: Never Give Up

Giving up is the word or idea that will never come in my mind during this seccion or any time in my life